as seen on on May 11, 2010
Happy Mom’s Day
May 7th, 2010Overthrowing Corporate Masters: A Letter to President Obama
May 4th, 2010This open letter was written by a friend of a friend on Facebook and posted therein. I thought it would be good to set it free outside the Facebook system, thus I am publishing it here on Propagandada.
Dear President and First Lady Obama.
I am a naturopathic medical doctor and an instructor of genetics, human anatomy, microbiology, nutrition and pharmacology. My undergraduate degree was in environmental science and policy. I feel blessed with a grand view of human history, geologic time and the entire span of life on this rare and beautiful planet.
For thousands of years human society was lead by three types of institutions: governmental, military, and religious. Today, we clearly have new masters that have effectively trumped them all: commercial industry.
In this age of corporate dominion, the people of the world need the U.S. President to lead the charge against the reckless and inherently short-sighted, greed-driven corporate marauding that is, without question, leading the entire world toward an inexorable nose-dive into major multi-system catastrophes of global scale.
One thing that our corporate “citizens” seem to share is a greed-driven sociopathic psychosis that has somehow become just part of the backdrop of life as we know it. By their very design and nature, corporations attend only to their own profit margins and readily spew any cost that can be externalized onto the world that bears their now crushing weight. It is sheer madness to allow these money, resource and influence gobbling giants bereft of both soul and conscience to run roughshod over us any longer.
No-one with a coherent world view is blind to how corporate parasitism and cost-externalizing mechanisms are misleading consumers and poisoning the future we’ll all share. Sadly, most of the U.S. population has chosen the more than amply provided diversions over developing an awareness of this growing corporate cancer. As our leader, I implore you to use your voice to reveal, shame and tame the world’s worst corporate “citizens”.
I know that from where you stand that you are more aware of the depth and scope of the problem of corporate influence. A brief passage through the headlines is all we need to see how corporate greed is fouling the world: the war in Iraq, the recent oil spill in the gulf, the housing and financial industry colapses, global climate change, nuclear proliferation, world hunger…
I also know that the only language that our new commercial masters understand is one that is market-based. A broad system of market tuneups (in the form of green taxes), bans, and strict and well enforced regulations aimed at internalizing the external costs and curbing the worst of the corporate and consumer behaviors must not be delayed any longer.
If it helps, please know that there are citizens who will willingly make many deep sacrifices requisite for our liberation from the madness of our corporate masters possible. We are currently a minority, but we will gladly teach our fellow citizens how (and why) to do the same. I am doing everything I can and strive to lead by example, but I fear it is not enough.
I am a naturopathic doctor, and one of the core principles of naturopathic medicine is “Tolle Causam”: Identify and treat the cause. If this nation was my patient, I would not offer any more pacifying solutions that failed to hit the mark.
And so I say to you, Mr and Ms Obama: Yes we can–Guide consumers away from supporting the most egregious industries through strategic taxation that promotes renewable and sustainable practices at the consumer and producer levels through internalizing the full costs of the worst industrial practices today.
Adding $.50 of tax per gallon of gas this year, and every year for the next 20 years, would be a good start. Of course, all of the revenue could be used to develop and distribute alternative energy technology. Environmental imperatives are screaming for combustion engine transportation and industry to be phased out. Smart progressive taxation is the best way to effect such a transition.
Likewise, processed food, junk food, food additives, tobacco, alcohol can all be discouraged through taxation with all of the proceeds going into paying for the the astronomical costs associated with the modern epidemics they are causing: cancer, heart disease and diabetes. As well, non-recyclable non-renewable materials can all be taxed to discourage their use and to create funds to begin the work of restoring the ecosystems that suffered from their extraction.
Of course, the major long term benefit of such taxation, would be the industry-wide promotion of sustainable alternatives whose materials and methods did not trigger the taxation in the first place. Without this kind of taxation, it is madness to ever expect any of the corporations to meaningfully step out on their own with more expensive practices that protect heritage. The industries need to be lead by a government that holds the interests of sustainability and survival itself in the highest esteem.
Do not forget that you are following the unquestionably worst President in the history of this nation. You can hardly throw a pen in Washington DC without hitting something that needs to be changed. We the people elected you out of a desperate need for change. The scope of the forces which would resist the true change we seek is almost unimaginable, but we still thirst for it. Nothing is more important to many of us in this time.
The time to do only what is popular in the current climate is long past. I implore you to extend your efforts to change the climate by educating the people. We need to publicly eject corporate interests from government. We need you to pull the masks off of those “leaders” who continue to sell their influence to the highest corporate bidders. If you do this, future generations will be forever grateful, however much the current generation may resist.
Best of luck to you in your most noble efforts.
Dr. Timothy R. Morris
Naturopathic Physician
Research Fellow, Medical and Biomarker Research
Optimal Health and Prevention Research Foundation
Seattle, WA, USA
Feel free to pass it along.
Happy Earth Day!
April 22nd, 2010Last ditch appeal to save the planet…
Been Listening to the Wrong Radio Station?
April 19th, 2010Sometimes I run across things on the internet that need to shared with other people. Today’s case in point: a poet named Benjamin Zephaniah that lives in London, England. I share this because his words resonated such truth when I first listened to them this weekend. He articulates things I’ve thought to myself better than I might ever be able to do. I’d never heard of Benjamin before the other day when I heard him reciting his poem “Rong Radio” on a radio show called “New World Notes” in an episode called “The Unheard Voice of the Majority”. This episode is all about how the media, corporations, politicians and the elites don’t want people to realize that folks on both the left and right have more in common with each other than they would ever want to believe or recognize, and that is just fine with the powers that be. Check out the video for “Rong Radio” by Zephaniah, made in 2006. So many good little sound bites in there and memes within it, and so outspoken! I kind of like the radio show version better, which was recorded in the back of a taxi, and doesn’t have the beats and music in the background, just street noise. Turns out he’s written a few books and plays, put out a few albums, has received honorary doctorates from numerous universities and has quite an extensive website at So I just bought his cd “Naked” online 🙂
When Smoke Rings Collide
March 10th, 2010Random Album Cover Meme
February 19th, 20101 – Go to “wikipedia.” Hit “random… Read More… Read More”
or click
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 – Go to “Random quotations”
or click
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 – Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
or click
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 – Use photoshop or similar to put it all together.
My first cover.
photo by Pola [Monalisa Grafica]
He Who Hesitates…
February 14th, 2010misses out on the lower price tickets. Happy Valentines Day Lovers! Case in point… I hesitated to buy my tickets to the 2010 Beloved Festival on Friday when they went on sale.
The price Friday was $108 (single ticket) for the four day festival, but I didn’t think that I needed to buy right that instant. Wrong! When I looked today the price is now $144!!! Darn, missed the lowest tier again! Oh well. The month of August is just about booked for me now. And the tickets made a really nice Valentines Day present too 🙂
Last year’s Beloved was one of the best festival experiences I have had in a very long time. The coastal forest setting in the hills just West of Waldport, Or was wonderfully calm and comfortable for this Northwesterner. It almost made tears come to my eyes when I thought about how much easier to survive it was in the forest compared to the desert of Burning Man. Fog instead of windy, dusty whiteouts – what a concept! And not a single stumbling drunk in the bunch to bother anyone as you might have had at a more rawkish festival such as Coachella or Sasquatch. The intent of creating a sacred event in which people could share the beauty of living on this wondrous planet really shined – from the booking of the talent (so tasty and juicy!), to the sound and light crew who kept things clear throughout, to the workshops, to even the choice of food vendors and the portable sauna and shower company that provided the space to go get squeaky clean. All my interactions with festival staff was amazingly positive considering the workload that was thrust upon them as camping and parking space rapidly dwindled. I’ve already gushed about Beloved on this website earlier – please check out the short excerpt of the Beats Antique performance I video recorded here. One of these days I will get around to posting some of the photos I took at last summer’s Beloved.
Magical Mystery Chambers – Wu Tang Clan vs. The Beatles
January 20th, 2010Hop yer hippy hips over and grab this before Ringo shuts down the tubes to this one.
How long do you think the Beatles can last?
I wish I’d said that!
January 6th, 2010“In the absence of peace and love, we teach war and hate as an escape from the problems we are too lazy to solve” Attribution: Justin Barber, 16 years old, currently living in Japan. Here’s a link to visit his gallery of other art at deviantART.
The Escape by ~itsyouforme on deviantART
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